Honey Bees ...
bees make healthy honey.
Unlike most commercial beekeepers, we don't feed our
bees “preventative” antibiotics, nor do we put heavy chemicals like
coumaphos and fluvalinate in our hives. These chemicals are highly
dangerous, and can leave chemical residues in wax and honey for years
after their use.
We collect honey, wax and pollen from our 70+
colonies, and are never afraid to use them. We never had to worry about
the recent Chinese honey contamination, because we had our own that we
knew was clean.
Our honey is never heated or forced through a
super-fine filter, so it still has small particles of wax, pollen, and
propolis in it..
These microscopic bits are the powerful healing
formula in our local raw honey.
Raw honey has been used medicinally throughout
history. People have used it for everything from the common cold to
stomach ulcers, allergies to burns; it soothes, coats, and heals. We
could tell you personal stories of horrible burns healing without even a
scar, having been treated simply with raw honey and a green leaf. You
can't get these results from ultra-pasteurized super-filtered
grocery-store honey.
We also sell bee pollen, another anti- allergy immune
booster. We sell ours fresh-frozen, not dried, to retain the flavor,
nutrients, and naturally occurring amino acids found in fresh pollen.
Our unbleached beeswax is sold bulk for use in
cosmetics and soaps, or as 100% beeswax candles. Beeswax is expensive,
second only to bayberry wax in its rarity. This is because it takes nine
pounds of honey (¾ of a gallon) to make only one pound of wax. Rarer
still is beeswax without chemical residues to mar it's purity. Our
beeswax is chemical free, and when you burn our candles you can rest
assured that while they fill your house with the sweet scent of
honeycomb, they will be filtering impurities from your air, not adding
to them.
Ask for a taste of our honey when you stop in.